Divorce can come with a lot of unhealthy side-effects. One of these issues can be divorce insomnia. Not being able to sleep properly can take a serious toll. That’s why it’s important to try and help your body get the rest it needs…

Divorce Insomnia: Regaining Sleep

Avoid any stimulants

One thing to avoid when battling divorce insomnia are stimulants at night. What we eat or drink during the night can seriously impact how easy it is for use to fall asleep. For example, things with caffeine or sugar can keep you up for longer. So can nicotine or alcohol products.

Therefore, you should avoid these stimulants as best as you can. In general, try to last have them at least 3 hours before you try and sleep. Past that point, it’s better to choose other options, like water. Doing so will help you avoid being too stimulated to sleep.

Cut down on distractions

Distractions can also make divorce insomnia worse. Usually, too much light exposure or outside noise will make it difficult to sleep. This is because your body will think it’s time to be awake rather than sleeping. Even your phone can prevent you from getting a good night’s rest. 

That’s why you’ll want to try and cut down on distractions. Keep your room dark, and use things such as blackout curtains to block off outside lights. Noise-cancelling headphones are also useful for handling loud noises. You should also limit your exposure to your computer or phone.

Clear your head

Racing thoughts tend to be a major contributor to divorce insomnia. For most people, these tend to be negative thoughts about the divorce and the future. Or, they might be regretting all of the things they feel they could’ve done better. Stressing out over these worries can keep you up well into the night.

Due to this, it helps to try and clear your head a bit. One helpful method is to keep a journal or diary. That way, you have an outlet for those thoughts, and can shift your focus onto some more positive emotions. Doing so can help you sleep and feel much more peaceful.