One of the most conflicting bits of a divorce, is thinking about what your life looks like afterwards. It’s exciting, full of possibility, but also terrifying at the same time. You’ve been married, and in a relationship, for a long time now. So when you start to think about living alone, fully supporting yourself, and making all the decisions— it’s easy to be a little bit intimidated. But, today, we’re going to focus in on the good instead of the bad. Being single has plenty of benefits. So, we’re going to focus in on enjoying singledom, rather than fearing it. Because there is quite a bit to be excited about…
Enjoying Singledom: How to Embrace, Rather than Fear it
Invest in yourself and your well-being
Being single gives you the chance to fully focus in on yourself, and your needs— versus that of your spouse. It’s not uncommon in a marriage, that you’ll spend more time making sure your relationship, home, and spouse are taken care of. Now? You get to take that time to create your own living space, practice self-care, and start to prioritize your next moves. Now, more than ever, you have the freedom to do something new. Start a small business, take up a new hobby (or a long forgotten one). Make a decision for you, and only you. You have that luxury now!
Spend some time with family
Re-prioiritize family. It can be easy for your family to fall to the wayside during a marriage, and especially during a divorce. So, reconnect with family. Not only will it strengthen those relationships, but it will also be an extremely fulfilling thing to do. So, spend some quality time, dedicate a holiday to spending time with them, reconnect.
If you can, take a vacation
One of the things we highly recommend post-divorce, is to take a vacation!!! If this is possible for you, absolutely do it. You’ve just been through one of the toughest moments of your adult life. So, celebrate that by sticking your feet in the sand with people who nurture your soul. It can be easy to only see the bad when it comes to a divorce. But, by taking a vacation with your favorite people, you might just be able to see how possible it is to start enjoying singledom. Relax, enjoy yourself, and start to plan for your future. You have a unique opportunity to start over once again, take it and run with it!